Новосибирский государственный университет

Факультет информационных технологий


Словарь-справочник по информатике (онтология информатики)

[Ball] Kenneth E. Iverson, A Programming Language // John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962

Applied mathematics is largely concerned with the design and analysis of explicit procedures for calculating the exact or approximate values of various functions. Such explicit procedures are called algorithms or programs. Because an effective notation for the description of programs exhibits considerable syntactic structure, it is called a programming language. Much of applied mathematics, particularly the more recent computer-related areas which cut across the older disciplines, suffers from the lack of an adequate programming language. It is the central thesis of this book that the descriptive and analytic power of an adequate programming language amply repays the considerable effort required for its mastery. This thesis is developed by first presenting the entire language and then applying it in later chapters to several major topics.
Ссылка на адрес в репозитарии: A Programming Language
Ссылка на репозиторий DSpace: A Programming Language

Ссылки на авторов публикации:
Айверсон Кеннет

Ключевые термины:  APL;

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|Головная| |Преподавание| | Современные проблемы информатики| |Информатика| |Ключевые термины| |Персоны|

Федотов Анатолий Михайлович
© 1998-2024, Новосибирский государственный университет, Новосибирск
© 1998-2024, Институт вычислительных технологий СО РАН, Новосибирск
© 1998-2024, Федотов А.М.
    Дата последней модификации: 29.07.2013