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The second scientific conference with the international participation
devoted to the 80-th anniversary of Professor Michail G. Kolpakov

Russia, Novosibirsk, October 15 - 17, 2002



Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Scientific Council on Physiological Sciences of RAS
Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of RAS
Institute of Laser Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS)
Institute of Physiology, Siberian Branch of RAMS
Ministry of Education of Russia
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Novosibirsk Branch of the I.P.Pavlov Russian Physiological Society

Dear Colleagues!

In 2002 we mark the 80th anniversary of the birthday of Professor Michail G. Kolpakov, which was an outstanding scientist in the field of physiology and physiopathology of endocrine system, one of the founders of systemic approach to study of endocrine control of the organism functions in normality and pathology, and the founder of the Siberian school of endocrinologists.

Pay a tribute of memory to Prof. M.G.Kolpakov, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences hold the second scientific conference with the international participation "Hormonal regulation of physiological functions in normality and pathology". The conference will be held on October 15 - 17, 2002 in Novosibirsk.

Items for Discussion:

Programm Committee:

Organizing Committee:

1.V.K.ShumnyInstitute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk, Chair
2.L.N.Ivanova Institute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk, Vice-Chair
3.G.S.Jakobson Institute of PhysiologyNovosibirsk, Vice-Chair
4.V.I.Fedorov Institute of Laser PhysicsNovosibirsk, Vice-Chair
5.O.P.Cherkasova Institute of Laser PhysicsNovosibirsk, Scientific Secretary
6.R.I.AizmanNovosibirsk State Pedagogical University Novosibirsk
7.N.M.Bazhan Institute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk
8.N.N.DygaloInstitute of Cytology and Genetics Novosibirsk
9.M.A.Gilinsky Institute of PhysiologyNovosibirsk
10.N.A.Kolchanov Institute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk
11.S.G.KrivoshchekovInstitute of PhysiologyNovosibirsk
12.A.V.KushnirInstitute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk
13.A.L.MarkelInstitute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk
14.T.A.Obut Institute of PhysiologyNovosibirsk
15.A.V.OsadchukInstitute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk
16.L.V.OsadchukInstitute of Cytology and GeneticsNovosibirsk
17.N.E.Ordyan Pavlov’ Institute of PhysiologySt.Petersburg
18.Yu.A.Pankov Endocrine Research CenterÞ.À.Moscow
19.A.G.Rummel Presidium of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical SciencesNovosibirsk
20.V.G.Selyatickaya Scientific Center of Clinical and Experimental MedicineNovosibirsk
21.A.Ya.Terner Institute of PhysiologyNovosibirsk

Submit and Registration:

If you desire to participate in the Conference, you may register online at the conference web site at the following link: http://www.sbras.ru/ws/KOL2002 or send your registration form by e-mail: fed@laser.nsc.ru, or by fax: +7(3832)33-20-67 to prof. Fedorov V.I., or by ordinary mail to the address: prof. Fedorov V.I., Institute of Laser Physics, Prospect of academician Lavrentyev, 13/3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia, prior to April 1, 2002.

Registration form

Last (Family) name _________ First (Given) name __________ Middle Initial__________
Mailing Address __________________________________________
City ____________________Country ____________________
Zip/Postal Code________________
Telephone with area code_______________________
Fax with area code_____________________

Abstract submission deadline is May 1, 2002. Abstract must be sent by e-mail: fed@laser.nsc.ru (only as attachment file) and one printed copy to the address: prof. V.I.Fedorov, Institute of Laser Physics, Prospect of academician Lavrentyev, 13/3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia


The abstract (no more than one complete page, including figures, tables, and references) must be typed with the page layout set to A 4 page (210 x 297 mm) in the format Microsoft Word 6.0 or 7.0. The body text is typed one-spaced, using 12 pt Times New Roman typeface. The sizes of fields: left - 3.5 ñì, right - 2 ñì, top and bottom on 2.5 cm.

The title (centered, capitalized, 14 pt) must be typed at the top of the page, followed by the author’s surnames and initials (centered, 14 pt). Initials should follow the family name. Underline only the name of the presenting author. In the next line, the institutional affiliation(s), city and country of the authors should be given (centered). If the authors have different institutional affiliations, please put after the family names and before institutional affiliation of the authors the same superscript sign for each affiliation in the same order as the names of the authors are listed. Separate the affiliation(s) from the body text by one blank line.

Figures, diagrams and tables should be inserted into the text of the abstract and have legends. Figures and diagrams (black and white, not colour) should be submitted as JPEG, GIF, BMP or PNG bitmaps with 300 dpi resolution. They must be named as Fig.1, Fig.2 and so forth. Figures and legends of figures should be placed within the text at locations where they will appear in the abstract. For inserting pictures into the text please do not use option «text wrapping».

The abstract should give complete information about the content of the submitted report. It is necessary to array the description of experimental and clinical works as follows: the purpose of research, materials and methods, results, conclusion.

References should be given in the following order: author name(s), year, journal title, volume number, inclusive page numbers. The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Book references should also include the name and address of the edition and the name(s) of the editor(s).

Sample of the abstract


I.I.Ivanov, P.P.Petrov*, S.S.Semenov#
Institute of Physiology RAMS, Novosibirsk, Russia
*Novosibirsk State University, Russia
#Institute of Cytology and Genetics RAN, Russia
Text of the abstract

1. Adams, W.P., Hasegawam, J. and Haring, R.C. (1979) J. Pharm. Sci., 68, 986-993.
2. Stewart, P.M., Shackleton, C.H.L. and Edwards, C.R.W. (1987) In Mantero, F. and Vecsei, P. (eds), Corticosteroids and Peptide Hormones in Hypertension. Serono Symposia Publications, Vol. 39, Raven Press, London, pp. 163-177.
3. Gorog, S. (1983) Quantitative Analysis of Steroids. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.

Important Dates:


Official languages: Russian, English.
Payment for participation in the Conference - 50$ at registration.

Addition information:

The contact telephone for all questions concerning the organization of the Conference: +7(3832)-332492 (Viacheslav Fedorov or Olga Cherkasova) or e-mail: fed@laser.nsc.ru or the conference web site: http://www.sbras.ru/ws/KOL2002

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