Boreal Forest Workshop

August 28 - September 1, 2000 Academgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia



The goal of the GOFS (Global Observation of Forest Cover) workshop is to promote coordinated effort among scientists towards

Items for Discussion:

  1. To review the spatial and temporal information requirements of the broad boreal forest user community, specifically with respect to products that can potentially be derived from earth observing satellites.
  2. To review the unique spatial/temporal capabilities and characteristics of the current generation of earth observing satellites.
  3. To review data products which are currently being generated from satellite data for operational and research use in the boreal forest.
  4. To recommend and prioritize new information products for the boreal forest that should be developed and included in GOFC.
  5. To identify the information networks needed at global and regional scales to ensure easy access to GOFC information products.
  6. To determine the data required to validate GOFC products (including determining the suitability of existing in situ data collection.
  7. To examine the extent to which improved synergies can be achieved between in situ and satellite data for meeting user information needs.
  8. To foster the development of regional science networks for studying boreal forests.

Programm Committee:

Organizing Committee:



Addition information:

  1. Please give e-mail to rivin@ict.nsc.ru with information about your arriving (data, time and transport kind)
  2. All quiestions to:
  3. Information about Novosibirsk transport: http://www.transport.nsk.su/ind_engl.htm
  4. Information about THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ?BIODIVERSITY AND DYNAMICS OF ECOSYSTEMS IN NORTH EURASIA? (BDENE?2000), August 21-26, 2000, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok (Russia): http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/meeting/bdne2000/schedule.html
  5. Additional information about Workshop (including Agenda) on the main WWW site: http://www.gofc.org/gofc/boreal.html
  6. For the reservation hotel "Zolotaya Dolina" (Gold Valley) you must write to 07 August 2000 Gdaly S. Rivin ( rivin@ict.nsc.ru )


    © 1996-2000, Institute of computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
    © 1996-2000, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk
    Last modified: Tuesday, 20-Feb-2001 10:57:52 NOVT