Центральный сибирский ботанический сад СО РАН

Problems of Developing Botanical Database

Novosibirsk, October 24-26, 2000


Supported by Moscow Department of International Botanic Gardens Conservation



Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS, with supporting of Moscow Department of International Botanical Gardens Conservation, Russian Botanical Society, Council of Botanical Gardens of Siberia and International Council of Botanical Gardens announce the Workshop "Problems of Developing Botanical Database" which will be held in Novosibirsk in October, 24-26, 2000.

Items for Discussion:

Following aspects will be discussed: 1. Databases in Plant Taxonomy, Regional Flora Researches, Geobotany: some results and prospects.
2. Computer Identification Systems and Databases of Attributes. Computer modeling phylogeny.
3. Geographical Information Systems in Researches of Flora and Vegetation. Electronic maps.
4. Electronic publications: Databases in Internet, on CD-ROM, electronic journals.
5. Ways for Cooperation and Integration of Botanical Databases.

Programm Committee:

Acadenician of RAS I.Yu.Koropachinsky, Prof. A.M.Fedotov (Institute of Computation Technology), Dr. I.A.Smirnov (International Council of Botanical Gardens on Plants Conservation), Dr. A.A.Prokhorov (Botanical garden of Petrozavodsk State University).

Organizing Committee:

Prof. V.P.Sedelnikov (Chairman), A.A.Krasnikov (Secretary), PhD. K.S.Baikov (Co-Chairmen), PhD. N.B.Ermakov, PhD. А.Yu.Korolyuk, PhD. E.M.Lyakh, PhD. O.N.Potemkin, PhD. A.G.Valutzkaya.

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