Информационная система "Конференции"




9-00 -- 9-45 

  1. Lavrik O.L. . (full text)

  2. Remizova T.V. . (full text)

  3. Fedotova O.P. . (full text)

9-45 -- 10-30 

  1. Vihreva G.M. . (full text)

  2. Borodikhin A.Y. . (full text)

  3. Tshykerblat D. . (full text)

10-30 -- 11-15 

  1. Bazhenov S.R. . (full text)

  2. Krasilnikova I. . (full text)

  3. Artemeva E.B. . (full text)

11.15 - 12.00 

  1. Pavlov A.I. . (full text)

  2. Kann S.K. . (full text)

  3. Lavrik O.L. . (full text)


  1. Novikova N.V. . (full text)

13-00 -- 14-00 

  1. Lavric O.L. . (abstract in russian)

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