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The 9th Asian Logic Conference

16-19 August, 2005
Novosibirsk, Russia


Computability theory

Intervals containing exactly one c.e. degree

Wu G.

Victoria University of Wellington (Wellington)

We study the structural interactions between the c.e. and the d.c.e. degrees. It is well-known that there are intervals d.c.e. degrees containing no c.e. degrees, and that if an interval of d.c.e. degrees contains two or more c.e. degrees, then this interval contains infinitely many c.e. degrees. A natural question is whether there are intervals of d.c.e. degrees containing exactly one c.e. degree (strictly between). We will call such c.e. degrees bi-isolating degrees. We know that these degrees are densely distributed in the high c.e. degrees, and we will prove that the bi-isolating degrees can also be low.

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