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The 9th Asian Logic Conference

16-19 August, 2005
Novosibirsk, Russia


Applications of logic in computer science

The genetically caused logic structures

Sizikov V.P., Razumov V.I., Sizikova L.G.

Omsk Branch of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS (Omsk)

Let's begin from definition of the any genetically caused structure.

Let U be a set representing the given structure, P be some family of transformations on U, closed concerning operation of a superposition, and s be a certain quality for elements from U. Then the structure U is referred to as genetically caused concerning family P and s quality, if from the performance of s quality for result and some transformation of p from P follows the performance s for every participating in p elements from U.

In other words, it turns out, that the fact of performance of quality s is incorporated in structure U as if on its genetic level. A phenomenon of genetic conditionality associates with the facts of invariancy, stability. And it predetermines wide variety of tasks and, where the given phenomenon appears urgent or even decisive. Such tasks and subjects meet in researches both philosophical, and physical, and mathematical orientation. And, the special methodological meaning has the purpose of revealing of the genetically caused structures, as it opens potential opportunities of the research device, including a problem of a practical embodiment of its theoretical development. And the specificity of the concrete genetically caused structure predetermines peculiarities of use of this structure.

Nature of set of U elements can be rather various. They can be both linear operators, and logic formulas, both qualitative models, and classes of algorithms, and even classes of the physical phenomena, that has found embodiment in development connected to the theory of dynamic information systems already and its applications (newasp.omskreg.ru/tdis/; www.sicpro.org). The necessity has ripened to carry out synthesis in the obviously or indirectly arisen genetically caused structures and their role in researches.

In the given work the special attention is allocated to the genetically caused logic structures. The concrete examples of such structures with the proofs, and also with variants of their application in researches of a philosophical, physical and mathematical orientation are shown.

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