Конференции ИВТ СО РАН

Computational and Informational Technologies for Research, Engineering and Education


Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, October, 6 - 10, 2004


About parametrical regulation of mechanisms market economy with the account foreign economic relations

Ashimov A.A., Borovskii Yu.I., Volobueva O.P.

Institute for Problems of Informatics and Control MES RK (Almaty)

Within the framework of regulation of market mechanisms through parametrical influence on development of economic processes the important task is the choice of the rational laws of parametrical regulation.

In the present work for consideration of the specified task on an example of a choice of the effective laws of parametrical regulation of the consumer charges of the state (x), norm of reservation (p) and exchange currency rate (q) we have taken advantage of mathematical model [1] interactions of economic systems of two states through foreign trade and approach [2]. Offered in [1] the mathematical model, after the appropriate transformations, enters the name as system from 10 differential and 32 algebraic equations (on 21 equation for each state). The research of the constructed model was carried out with use by method of Runge-Kutta. A task of parametrical identification of definition of meanings of parameters of model with use of real statistical data Republic of Kazakhstan and Russian Federation previously was solved. The choice of the optimum laws of parametrical regulation of parameters x,, p, q for each state was carried out in environment of a set of the given dependences containing adjusted factors. The task of a choice of the optimum laws of parametrical regulation for economic system of one country was solved in the following kind. Find on the basis of considered mathematical model the optimum laws and meanings of their factors, which would provide a minimum of an average level of the prices at the certain restrictions on change of capacity of the country. This task was solved at a level one and two are adjustable of parameters from three for each country, and also at simultaneous parametrical regulation for two countries.


1. Петров А.А., Поспелов И.Г., Шананин А.А. Опыт математического моделирования экономики, M.: Энергоатомиздат, 1996.

2. Ашимов А.А., Боровский Ю.В., Волобуева О.П. О выборе законов параметрического регулирования механизмов в рыночной экономике / Сб. науч. тр. межд. конф., “Современные сложные системы управления”, High Technology Control Systems, СССУ/HTCS, Voronezh, 2003. PP. 246 - 248.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


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