International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA June 12 -16, 2006 Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book


Plenary session


Manchuk V.T.

State Medical Research Institute for Northern Problems of Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Krasnoyarsk)

Under Siberia conditions the complicated negative social economical factors are combined with extreme ecological factors and different ethnic belonging. All these influence greatly the health state in both children and adults.

We carried out the complex research within many years in different Siberia regions: from desert-mountain Tyva to circumpolar tundra in Taymir and Yakutia. It showed that health formation in both alien and native population depends greatly on regional and ecological factors and ethnical belonging.

Negative influence of extreme environment factors is evident at the first turn on cellular-molecular human structures and as a whole on different levels of human biosystem. Destabilization of cellular erythrocyte membrane is seen in molecular disorganization of lipoid biolayer with the change of topography of albumen-lipoid complexes, higher viscosity of membrane lipoids, the change of membrane sensitivity to hormone influence. This background provides negative influence on antioxidant systems of cells, the lowering of membrane stability to environmental factors. As a result the diseases based on cellular pathology are developed.

Under the influence of environment extreme factors the metabolism processes change. It is especially evident in alien children. In blood there is the lowering in the activity of those enzymes, which provide synthetic and energetic processes in tissue and the processes of anti oxidant protection of a body. The metabolic changes in immune competent cells lead to their functional insufficiency and the decrease in immune reactivity of an organism. This is accompanied by morbidity in children and adults and chronic cause of infectious inflammatory diseases.

An important place in pathology formation in the population of Siberia belongs to the presence of various geochemical anomalies. Among them the first place belongs to iodine deficiency and high prevalence of endemic goiter. This leads to the changes in many metabolic processes and the disturbances in psychic development in children.

Various genic structures in numerous ethnic groups in native population of Siberia determine to great extend the structure of more prevalent diseases and the protection mechanisms, formed in the process of evolution. It concerns the development of pathology of cardio-vascular system, diabetes mellitus, gallbladder and liver pathology, chronic inflammatory diseases of ear and pulmonary tract. At the same time we revealed considerable changes in these forms of pathology in alien and native population, who live under the same climatic conditions.

So, health state in Siberia and Extreme North population is determined by specific ecological factors of environment, the level of the formation of adaptation abilities in organism, the character of appeared changes in functional systems and genic structure of the population.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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