International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA June 12 -16, 2006 Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book


Ethnic peculiarities of the North native inhabitants health


Varshaver E.A., Kozlova M.A., Lisitsyn D.V., Kozlov A.I.

Institute of Developmental Physiology,
Russian Academy of Education (Moscow)

Pilot research was conducted among 171 schoolchildren (91 Saami and Komi-Izhems inclusive) in Lovozero, Murmansk region.

Their ethnic self-identification was analyzed. Valence, distinctness of ethnic identification, and level of tolerance to representatives of other ethnic communities were taken as “psychological” markers. Native language mastering, acquaintance with ethnic artwork and national cuisine – as “cultural” markers. The knowledge of ethnic cooking, as one of the most stable cultural components, was studied. Children’s free descriptions allowed to evaluate their knowledge of national cuisine, the presence of national nutrition traditions in everyday life of a modern family, and the intergenerational continuity of ethnic traditions.

As research reveals, 80% of children are not acquainted with the cuisine or nutrition traditions of their ethnic community. Nutrition pattern in their families is close to the Russian version of European cuisine and lacks ethnic and local features.

However, housewives claim that local foodstuffs (reindeer’s bulk, fish, berries, mushrooms, and wild plants) are commonly used in everyday cooking. But the ways of cooking have been “westernized” and almost lost their ethnic flavor. Moreover, European dishes cooked from purchased foodstuffs are more prestigious among the Kola Saami, whereas other nations turn to national cuisine only festive occasions.

Literature preferences, level of native and Russian language mastery, and attitude towards traditional nutrition confirm the high level of cultural assimilation among the local teenagers. However their ethnic identity is highly distinct and positive. Thus, it will be wrong to assume that the Kola Saami and Komi are fully assimilated, as the main criteria which helps in attributing an individual to a group is ethnic identification.

The research revealed a low level of ethnocultural knowledge among the youth and absence of continuity in passing cultural traditions. In terms of nutrition, this can be explained by abundance of marketed food which is pushing traditional products out. If nothing changes, the indigenous population of the Kola peninsula may lose another important element of their ethnic identity.

The research was supported by RFFI grant 05-06-80427

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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