International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA June 12 -16, 2006 Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book


Plenary session

Psychophysiological mechanisms of adaptation and disadaptation in the North

Krivoschekov S.G.

Institute of Physiology SB RAMS (Novosibirsk)

Problem of human adaptation to northern conditions is far beyond the framework of human adaptation to extreme life conditions in cold climate. It is closely interlaced with urbanization and ecology problems and social and economic conditions. Adaptation disorders are observed not only among newcomers, but, as numerous data show, also in indigenous population. Though because of different reasons, but both these groups show a metabolism change-over, vascular and tissue hypoxia development, immune and polyendocrine insufficiency syndromes, lipid hyperoxidation, psychoemotional tension, effects of functional dissymmetry of interhemispheric relations, desynchronisis and meteopathia development, and disturbances of regeneration and plastic processes. In some cases long-term psychoemotional tension, which is one of the basic parts of an organism reserve capacity mobilization, in combination with the metabolism change becomes the reason of disadaptation development and progressing of somatic diseases. In particular, preconditions for early and roughly progressing development of CHD in the Far North are evident psychoemotional tension, distinct hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterinemia, an arterial hypertensia, permanently increased levels of blood catecholamine and glucocorticosteroid consumption, vascular and tissue hypoxia development, the apparent angio and bronchiospasm. Additional factors, provoking the disadaptations in the North are man-caused pollution products (benzol, carbon tetrachloride, vinyl chloride, halogen containing substances, etc.) in zones of industrial development areas of oil and gas fields, which contribute to development of various organism system diseases, including the immunogenesis. On the background of naturally developing immunologic reactivity deficiency, infectious - allergic diseases (a tuberculosis, virus infections and allergosises) are widely distributed. Finally, social and biological disadaptation of migrants influences the reproduction quality - children born soon after the move, have higher morbidity and death rates in comparison with indigenous population. Conclusion. On the basis of a large cycle of population human examinations in various areas of Siberia, we discovered a special condition of “incomplete adaptation” (Krivoschekov et. al., 1998) which is accompanied by a mental stability decrease, a physiological regulation mechanisms change-over, and an exhaustion of an organism functional reserves. The author's views concerning the system analysis of adaptive and disadaptive processes ratio at pathology formation among northern indigenous and non indigenous population will be stated in the lecture.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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