International Union for Circumpolar Health Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Medical Polar Fund “Science” The Northern Forum |
Public health
Objective: The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) College of Natural Science and Mathematics will develop a Graduate Certificate Program in Bioethics and Research Ethics for international students. The project seeks to contribute to the goals of the Fogarty International Center in enhancing bioethics education and career development. Such training is recognized to be essential for professionals who are engaged in ethical review of biomedical research in developing countries.
Project Design: The project focuses specifically on recruitment and training of eligible participants from low and middle income developing countries of the Far North. The project will support and train approximately eight students over the four-year term of the grant. The proposed program of study has a 15 credit hour minimum course requirement delivered over two summer sessions with mentorship during the interim year.
Results: The curriculum includes traditional lecture/discussion courses, practica and internship experiences. Courses offered include: Ethical Theory, Biomedical Ethics, IRB/IACUC Short Course, International Research Ethics, Neuroethics Seminar, Integrative Seminar series and two practica devoted to IRB-Human Subjects Committee roles and functions. The Graduate Certificate will document that the student has covered all issues in responsible conduct o human subjects research, including compliance pedagogy. Upon completion of the program of study, students will receive a Graduate Certificate in Bioethics awarded through the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Conclusion: The program will develop a support system for its graduates by establishing continued mentoring and teaching assistance through an Arctic network using Access Grid Node. Finally, collaborations with other Arctic Bioethics and research Ethics scholars and programs will be developed to benefit students and researchers.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition
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