International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA June 12 -16, 2006 Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book


Plenary session

Cardiovascular diseases in the Republic Sakha (Yakutia): problems and ways of scientific search

Krivoshapkin V.G.

Institute of Heaith Acienses of scienses of Repablic Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk City)

Cardiovascular diseases remain a principal cause of death rate of the population of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia), making up to 40 % of all cases of death in this region. In structure of death rate from CVD death rate from ischemic heart disease makes 43 %; from vascular defeats of brain and other CVD - 19 and 38 %, accordingly. For carrying out of the proved and effective preventive programs it is necessary to have objective data about factors forming an epidemiological situation concerning cardiovascular diseases. To estimate objectively these factors is possible on the basis of correctly organized epidemiological researches on representative samples of the population.

In the given report results of the researches led by Institute of Health of the RS (Ya) Academy of sciencec are presented: - one-stage population research of casual sample of the unorganized population of 8 uluses (districts) of the Republic Sakha (Yakutia) concerning ÀH and the actual feed had been led in 2002 the total number of examined people was 3247; - three one-stage researches of casual population samples from the unorganized man's population of Yakutsk: 1987 - 2666 men, 2000 - 822 men, 2004 - 643 men; - 18-years prospective study of death rate in men who had been examined during one-stage inspection in Yakutsk in 1985-1987 - 354 cases of death; Results of research:

In dynamics, for the 18-years period the average level of standardized on age systolic arterial pressure raised on 3,8 ìì.ðò.ñò. and in 2005 it reached - 128,6±1,2 mm hg (ð <0,05). Diastolic arterial pressure increased from 80,0±0,4 ìì.ðò.ñò. in 1987 up to 82,8±0,9 mm hg in 2005 (ð <0,05). In group of men of younger age the level of diastolic pressure also remained without changes. At estimation of risk of death rate from ischemic heart, and cardiovascular diseases and the general death rate direct dependence between the level of systolic arterial pressure and death rate was established. At the level of pressure more than 150 ìì.ðò.ñò. relative risk of the general death rate raises 2 times, risk of death from CVD - 2,6 times, and risk of death from IHD is 3 times higher. Age adjisted index of body weight increased during the 18-years from 24,8 up to 26,3 kg/¼2 (ð <0,05). At studying average levels of such risk factors as smoking and the use of alcohol, it was revealed, that in man's population Yakutsk in the period from 1987 to 2005 intensity of smoking and quantity of used alcohol rfom sharply increased. The most essential dynamics is marked in men of the senior age groups and persons with a low educational level where parameters practically doubled. The average quantity of cigarettes smoked per day (the parameter standardized on age) increased from 8,9 up to 14,1 (ð <0,05), and quantity of used alcohol from 55,4 up to 98,6 per/day (ð <0,05). The relative risk of death rate increases with the increase of intensity of smoking. Risk of the general death rate and death rate from CVD it smoking population was 2,4 times higher, than in non-smoking one. In hard smokers risk of death from IHD wasin 4,4 times higher, than in non-smokers. As a whole, in republic prevalence of exess body weight and adiposity was 33 % in men and 39 % in women. The greatest frequency EBW and adiposity was observed in the population of industrial and northern uluses. During the 18-years period frequency of E.B. weight considerably increased. So, statistically significant increase in frequency of EBW was is marked in all age groups, except for senior where as it was already mentioned above, the index of weight of body in dynamics had not raised. Prevalence of smoking people man's population of republic was 54 %, in women of 25 %. According to the results of duestioning, alcohol consumption within last year in was 71 % and 62 % - in women. The greatest contribution to the amount of used pure alcohol was made by, spirits and beer. So, in structure of consumption of the general pure alcohol in men 51 %, was made by spirits and - 27 %, by bear and in women of 41 % and 34 % accordingly. It is necessary to notice, that the share of spirits consumption in population of Yakutsk considerably exceeded the similar parameters of Moscow (40 and 27 %) that proovs the existance of the problem of female alcoholism in the republic. In dynamics, during the studied smoking and alcoholism in population had not changed and continued to remaining at a high level, on a background of increase in number of smoked cigarettes and average quantity of used alcohol. General prevalence ÀH in the republic was in men - 30,2 % and in women - 30,6 %. Considering prevalence of ÀH in dynamics it is necessary to notice, that in all age groups there was statistically significant increase in frequency of ÀH. If in 2000, in group of men aged 20-29, the increase in parameter in comparison with 1987 was marked at the tendency, level, then in 2005 statistically authentic increase in prevalence of ÀH in this group was observed. The parameter of AH prevalence ÀH standardized on age in man's population of Yakutsk for the period from 1987 to 2005 increased from 25,1 up to 38,4 %, the gain made 13,3 %. In the research carried out in 1987 it was shown, that the alien population Yakutia is characterized by more adverse structure FR, than indigenous population. Results of researches in 2001-2005 confirmed the similar tendency. So, significant distinctions in parameters of prevalence of FR depending on the ethnic group was revealed: prevalence of ÀH standardized on age in indigenous population made 36 %, and in alien 44 % (ð <0,05); EBW was observed in 16 % of indigenous and in 22,9 % of alien populations (ð <0,05). Parameters of smoking and alcohol consumption prevalence were also higher in alien population (ð <0,05). And, average quantity of smoked cigarettes and used alcohol in the alien population of the North were also higher than the same in the indi. The level of GARDEN correlated with age, IC, level ÎÕÑ; level of ÄÀÄ - with the age, an index of body weight ÎÕÑ. At the analysis of tables of interlinking it was revealed, that prevalence of ÀH associated with frequency of exess body weight use of alcohol and prevalence of GÕÑ. For estimation of the contribution of risk factors to prevalence of ÀH logistical regressive analysis was made. For independent variables were accepted: age, ethnic group, educational level, frequency of EBW, GÕÑ, smoking, the use of alcohol, ãèïî-àëüôàõîëåñòåðèíåìèè. The analysis madehas revealed, that significant predictors, of ÀH in population, are: age (p <0,0001); the use of alcohol (p <0,05); frequency of exess body weight (p <0,01) and GÕÑ (p <0,01). Thus, in the population of the republic such risk factors of chronic diseases as smoking, exess weight, low physical activity, an arterial hypertension, abusing alcohol, an irrational feed are widely spread. In dynamics for the 18-years period average levels of arterial pressure, index of body weight, intensity of smoking and quantity of used alcohol have raised; prevalence of arterial hypertension and exess body weight has essentially increased,

The most significant contribution to integrated risk of death rate from IHD, CVD and the general death rate, in the Yakut population, is dine by the raised level of arterial pressure, smoking and weight of body. While planning and realization of the preventive programs aimed at decrease of death rate from atherosclerosis and its complications, the edge of preventive actions should be directed to struggle against the raised level of arterial pressure, smoking; propagation of the balanced feed and increase of physical activity.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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