International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA June 12 -16, 2006 Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book


Ecology and adaptation (medical ecology)


Lutsenko M.

Far Eastern RC for Physiology and Respiratory Pathology of SB RAMS (Blagoveschensk)

The purpose of the study is to define peculiarities in stereotype responses of some neuro-endocrine complex subsystems (sympathoadrenal and hypothesis-adrenal, calcium-regulating ) combined with biologically active substances (serotonin) which account for main mechanisms of adaptation of healthy people and patients with broncho-pulmonary pathology to the climatic conditions of the North-East of Russia.

The study showed that people living the North-East of Russia during 3 years have the highest level of adrenaline and noradrenaline and a low level of dophamine. While people living in these climatic conditions showed different results: low levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline and a high level of dophamine. The latter acts as a factor limiting hypophisis -adrenal link of stress reaction of organisms. The highest levels of monoamine were typical of people of the first category while the lowest values were registered for people living in the North of Russia for a long time.

Changes in neurohormone and serotonin content in patients with COPD compared with healthy subjects had some similarities and differences. Like healthy subjects patients with COPD show high levels of stress-realizing system.

Sympathoadrenal complex activation in patients with COPD compared to healthy subjects manifests in higher adrenaline and noradrenaline secretion with dophamine levels being rather low. Serotonine concentration changes were different. This can be due to less active absorption and deposition of tissue neurohormone by lung parenchyma cells and its decreased conversion into different metabolites.

High serotonin content in patients with COPD is one of the factors causing disturbances of intracellular metabolite processes by activating oxidation of cellular-membrane-receptor complexes of bronchial mucosa cells.

Metabolic processes of respiratory system have been described as far as above homeostatic peculiarities of neurohormonal regulation. The most marked changes were found in morphofunctional status of respiratory system in people during their first years in conditions of the North: frequent catarrhal inflammatory processes in lungs, connective tissue edema in bronchial mucosa, anti-inflammatory interleukine production, inhibition of suppressor function of lymphoid apparatus.

People living longer in the North of Russia showed obstructive processes in bronchial mucosa, disturbance of destructive processes in epithelial lining, and processes of metilation of genetic material of bronchial epithelium.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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