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The distributed information-computational resources, X-th conference DICR-2005

October 06 - 08, 2005, Russia, Novosibirsk, Academgorodok


System approach to knowledge representation by the example of Internet project "Server "Ill-posed Problems"

Belousova O.N.

IAE SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Human knowledge stored during centuries always needs to be presented and kept as integrated data, for example in any level library. The modern society is characterized with active development of computer and information technologies and, especially, with the possibility of millions of users to apply to Internet. This situation results in the barest necessity to place the reference materials on any, even highly tailored, matter on the distributed information computer resources, for instance, on servers. The features of such mediums apply the restrictions to the placed materials, but from the other hand they allow to extend essentially the manner of information presentation. There may be text, graphic arts as well colored as animated, audio and video materials, and even executable files, for example, the demo versions of commercial software. But for all that the systematic presentation of knowledge and hierarchy of information placed on the servers remain to be of most importance.

The server "Ill-posed problems" is an example of Internet-oriented data-analytical special scientific system. The server created at 2000 operates and is developed successfully to present day. The both components of ill-posed problems discipline theoretical and practical are active evolved. The most part of derived results are followed with corresponding algorithms and computer software. For these reasons the presentation of the results of the considered brunch of science needs to get modern information technologies and numerical simulations. The last achievements of computer engineering, in particular WWW-servers and hypertext systems, allow to pose and to solve the problems of accumulation, systematization usage and development of ill-posed problems at qualitatively new level. Till 2004 more than 150 thousands users' addresses from more than 50 countries to the server "Ill-posed problems" were registered. It proves that this server is useful and popular among the scientists and students from whole world.


1. Lavrent'ev M.M., Badazhkov D.V., Belousova O.N. et al. The server "Ill-posed problems" in the information support of calculus mathematics. Moscow, MSU, 2001. (in Russian)

2. Lavrent'ev M.M., Badazhkov D.V., Belousova O.N., Zerkal S.M., Trofimov O.E. Computerized tomography on the data-analytical server "Ill-posed problems". Preprint N 111, Institute of mathematics, SB RUS. Novosibirsk, 2003. (in Russian)

3. Lavrent'ev M.M., Belousova O.N., Zerkal S.M., Trofimov O.E. The server "Ill-posed problems" as an example of interaction of the science and education. Workshop "Topical problems of informatics in modern education in Russian". Abstracts. Moscow, MSU. 2005. (in Russian)

4. Belousova O.N., Kislenko N.P., Khogoev E.A. The presentation of demo version of inverse kinematical problem numerical solution in the tomographic statement in the Internet project "Geotomography". Proceedings NSACE. Novosibirsk: NSACE. 2005. (in Russian)

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


© 1996-2000, Institute of computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
© 1996-2000, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk