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II International Workshop

September 12-16, 2005, Novosibirsk, Academgorodok


We inform, that term of submission of theses and reports is prolonged till June, 30.


Numerical modeling of seismic and acoustic-gravity wave propagation for inhomogeneous model “Earth – Atmosphere”

Mikhailenko B.G., Reshetova G.V.

Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics
(Computing Center) (Novosibirsk)

This paper considers numerical-analytical methods of solving the problem of propagation of seismic and acoustic-gravity waves for the inhomogeneous model “Earth – Atmosphere”. The seismic wave propagation is described by a system of the first order dynamic equations of the elasticity theory; the propagation of acoustic-gravity waves in the atmosphere are described by the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. The algorithm proposed is based on a combination of the integral Laguerre transform with respect to time, finite integral Bessel transform along the radial coordinate with a finite difference method along the vertical coordinate.
The paper presents some examples of calculation of seismic and acoustic-gravity waves for the inhomogeneous model “Earth – Atmosphere” for various locations of a source.
The research was done under financial support of RFBR grant 04-05-64177.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

Last update: 06-Jul-2012 (11:44:54)