Информационная система "Конференции"

II International Workshop

September 12-16, 2005, Novosibirsk, Academgorodok


We inform, that term of submission of theses and reports is prolonged till June, 30.


Light seismometric test bench for determination AFR of vertical seismic sensors

Gravirov V.V., Kislov K.V.

International Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics Russian Academy of Sciences - IIEPT RAS (Moscow)

At present time for seismic observations there is a set of a various type of seismometers, accelerometers and velocimeters. For reduction to identity of seismometric channels, and also for their set-up, test and the researches of the characteristics apply various methods of the analysis, tares and calibration. Necessary, means for realization of such activities is a vibration table or installation for reproduction of parameters seismic waves. However to conduct research of a seismic sensors on the vibration table not always it is obviously possible, especially, if it is necessary for making in field conditions or on a seismic stations. For the solution of this problem in IIEPT RAS is developed easy seismometric test bench permitting to determine a amplitude frequency response characteristic (AFR) and some other characteristics of vertical seismic sensors of small weight and overall dimensions. The test bench is intended for use in fixed and forwarding seismological establishments, on engineering-seismic stations of building and operational organizations, in firms engaging development and production a new seismic instrumentation. Despite of simplicity of manufacturing, mesh sizes and cost, the bench does not concede to known analogs, and, as the practice has shown, quite satisfies to pose objects.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

Last update: 06-Jul-2012 (11:44:54)