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The distributed information-computational resources, XI-th conference DICR-2006

September 20 - 22, 2006, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar


Knowledge systematization in Internet design "Server "Ill-posed problems"

Belousova O.N., Kayurov V.N., Likhachov A.V., Trofimov O.E.

Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS (Novosibirsk),
NSTU (Novosibirsk)

The server "Ill-posed problems" created at 2000 is an example of Internet-oriented data-analytical special scientific system. It operates and is developed successfully to present day. The server contains the systemized and structured information relating to many areas of ill-posed problems. The both components of this discipline theoretical and practical are active evolved.
The most part of derived results presented in the server are followed with corresponding algorithms and computer software. For these reasons the presentation of data in corpore needs to involve of modern information technologies and simulation technique. The demo-versions of software realized with Java programming language are placed in the issues of the server "Ill-posed problems" such as "Geotomography", "Tomography" and others. This ensured that the visitors could use this software on-line by way of any browser, for example through Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Alphabetical index (in Russian and in English) is placed in the main page of the server to make its utilization more comfortable. This service allows finding the information by one word or short sentence situated alphabetically and then going to the corresponding section by means of hyperlink.
At the present time the server "Ill-posed problems" is included in the system Math Tree (integration grant SB RAS ¹ 35).
This work is supported by RFBR. (N 06-01-81000).


  1. Lavrent'ev M.M., Badazhkov D.V., Belousova O.N., Zerkhal' S.M., and Trofimov O.E. The server "Ill-posed problems" in the information support of calculus mathematics. Moscow, MSU, 2001. (in Russian)
  2. Lavrent'ev M.M., Badazhkov D.V., Belousova O.N., Zerkhal' S.M., and Trofimov O.E. Computerized tomography on the data-analytical server "Ill-posed problems". Preprint N 111, Institute of mathematics SB RUS. Novosibirsk, 2003. (in Russian)
  3. Lavrent'ev M.M., Belousova O.N., Zerkhal' S.M., and Trofimov O.E. The server "Ill-posed problems" as an example of interaction of the science and education. Workshop "Topical problems of informatics in modern education in Russian" under the aegis of Guidance Council of Informatics attached to Ministry of education and science. Abstracts. Moscow, MSU, 2005. http://edu-it.ru/sovesch/mat_conf_2.zip
  4. Belousova O.N. The Internet-project "Server "Ill-posed problems" " as an example of system approach to the knowledge presentation. X Russian conference with foreign participants "Distributed Informational Computing Resources" DICR-2005. ICT SB RUS. Novosibirsk 2005. P.20. (in Russian)

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


© 1996-2000, Institute of computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
© 1996-2000, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk