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The distributed information-computational resources, XI-th conference DICR-2006

September 20 - 22, 2006, Kazakhstan, Pavlodar


Architecture and software of regional satellite information Internet resource

Engel M.V., Afonin S.V. , Belov V.V. , Kulikov G.E.

Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS (Tomsk)

Development at the IAO SB RAS of the Internet resource that involves the databases of digital satellite data and the algorithms for its thematic processing is reported. This resource is designed to provide access to the satellite data archives and to the software for its preprocessing and thematic analysis. This will foster complex regional research of the problems of remote sensing of the atmosphere and the earth surface and allow teaching the methods of thematic analysis of multichannel satellite images.

The program complex includes four basic modules:

The software for managing file archives and databases is developed. To preprocess and thematically analyze satellite data, special software is created and widely known program packages are adapted. The resource is supported by the object publication system that interacts with archives and databases, supports data processing modules, scenary interpreter, and database mining processor, and generates html-codes sending them to an http-server for subsequent delivery to clients.

The first site version [http://sat-lros.iao.ru] is now available. It provides remote access to the considered information resource.

The software supporting the resource is based on licensed open-source tools.

This work is a part of the program “Information-Telecommunication Resources of the SB RAS”. The authors acknowledge the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for financial support (No. 04-07-90018).

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


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© 1996-2000, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk