Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference "Geoinformatics: technologies, scientific projects"

Irkutsk, Russia, June 15-22, 2008


Methodology of processing and interpretation of radar images by multyfractal approach.

Chymitdorzhiev T.N.

BSC SB RAS (Ulan-Ude)

Estimation of the pine forest structure by spatial fluctuations of radar backscattering with different angles of the polarization inclination it is considered. As the tool of full polarimetric images processing the method of variogramm, based on the multifractal dimension computation of forests with different biomass is used. It is shown that this approach makes it possible to estimate the slope angles of the trees branches and to qualitatively determine the branches distribution in the horizontal plane. The designing possibility of the polarization signature for the spatial fluctuations of radar backscattering is proved. The results of radar images processing showed that the polarimetric features of the backscattering fluctuations well characterize the geometry of the forest canopy being investigated and have fundamental significance for the data interpretation of microwave sensing. good correlation between spatial fluctuations of full polarimetric radar images for C-band horizontal and vertical polarization at radiation and angular distribution of trees branches for dense forest is discovered. For L-band backscatter fluctuations only with vertical polarization at transmitter was found to be well related to slope angles of trees branches. The correlation diminished with decreasing of forest biomass and trees density for both bands. By the development of this approach can be the polarization signatures creation of fluctuations for all possible angles of ellipticity and inclination.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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