Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference "Geoinformatics: technologies, scientific projects"

Irkutsk, Russia, June 15-22, 2008


Allocation of natural grid-structures of a terrestrial surface and the GIS-system analysis of their influence on morphological structure of a landscape

Kitov A.

Institute of the geography V.B.Sochava SB RAS (Irkutsk)

For orientation and the analysis of terrestrial space wide application was found by net structures. For example system of meridians and parallels or rectangular system of coordinates in projections UTM and Gauss-Kruger. Exist as methods of splitting of territory on small sites for the analysis of territory and calculation of the areas. More complex and irregular examples of net structures are landscape maps and wood-valuational plans where an elementary cell of a network is таксационный site. Cosmoimage - as cellular (pixel) model of territory. By this principle in geoinformational systems (GIS) for the analysis of the territories submitted as the raster image, have found application so-called grids [3].

However all these net representations of space are artificial with conditionally chosen beginning of coordinates and step of a grid. In too time there are the natural structures shown on a surface of the Earth [1, 6]. The carried out analysis of figure of breaks, lineaments and ring geological structures has allowed to reveal natural geonetworks at construction GIS where each point of terrestrial space takes the certain place in global spatial system - grid-structure [5].

For calculation of a spherical geonetwork the model with the task of the sides of a triangle (two-sided corners) a, b, c and corners A, B, C was used: sin A/sin a = sin B/sin b = sin C/sin с = D, where D=1,063314 for sphere-icosahedra [5]. The system of geographical coordinates was as a first approximation selected so that the breadth and a longitude numerically coincided - 31 and 72 degrees. Thus, the centre of the Asian sector of a global network - 103,72 ВД and 67,72 СШ was determined. And also the next sizes of the parties(sides) of spherical triangles of the different order (from global up to local): 1) 7035,9 km, 2) 1173,0 km, 3) 195,5 km, 4) 32,6 km, 5) 5,4 km, 6) 0,9 km etc., that has proved to be true the analysis regmatical networks and structures of breaks [5]. On an example of a map of breaks Levi [4] and maps of breaks of the South of Eastern Siberia were allocated characteristic ромбовидные and the triangular networks entered in icosahedra.

The map of density of the breaks, constructed by computer methods, reproduces cellular structure of geographical space of territory with display of concentric circles. The card(map) of orientation of breaks allows to allocate a primary direction lineaments - 45°. On the basis of an attributive database distribution of breaks on length is revealed. Prevail lineaments two groups - 10-30 km and 3-5 km differing approximately in 6 times on the size [2, 5]. the GIS-anallysis of breaks by other technique in the most homogeneous geological structures - гранитоидных fields, has confirmed these characteristics and has revealed presence of elements of the smaller order up to 1 km.

1. Гончаров Н.Ф., Макаров В.А., Морозов В.С. Земля – большой кристалл? – М.: Захаров, 2005.

2. Китов А.Д., Черкашин А.К. ГРИД-структуры как инвариантная основа реализации геоинформационных систем //ИнтерКарто/ИнтерГИС 10. – Владивосток – Чаньчунь: 12-19 июля 2004. - с.17-24.

3. Китов А.Д. Компьютерный анализ и синтез геоизображений. - Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 2000. – 220 с.

4. Леви К.Г. и др. Современная геодинамика Байкальского рифта // Разведка и охрана недр, №1, 1997. – с. 10-20.

5. Полисистемное тематическое картографирование. Т. 4 // Географические исследования Сибири: в 5 т. – Новосибирск: Гео, 2007. – 418 с.

6. Черкашин А.К. Полисистемный анализ и синтез. Приложение в географии. Новосибирск: Наука, СПРАН, 1997. – 502 с.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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