Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference "Geoinformatics: technologies, scientific projects"

Irkutsk, Russia, June 15-22, 2008


Comparative-geographycal research of the landscape complexes of Siberia and China using space images and mathematical technologies

Istomina E.A.

V.B.Sochava Institute of geography SB RAS (Irkutsk)

The сomparative-geographical method – one of the basic and earliest methods of knowledge of a geographical reality, is through and is used at the decision of theoretical and applied problems of geography. It underlies field, statistical, space methods, methods of classification and other methods of geographical researches. The essence of a method consists in comparison of various territories and the geographical phenomena among themselves, allocation of similarity and distinction. Early stage of a comparative method in geography was visual comparison of various territories. Now comparison is more and more authentic since operates with a lot of various data, methods and means. In the given research the is qualitative-quantitative comparative analysis of territories of Pribaikalye differing in the natural attitude (the Primoskiy ridge) and the China (mountains Kuenlun Shans of a province Tsinghai) is spent. Theoretical basis of research is the theory of a landscape field of the Earth and the theory of geographical complexes. The interaction field of landscape complexes is considered to mean a set of structures and functions of the geographical envelope on which the laws of structural-functional similarity are realized, which manifest themselves differently at each its point (of a homogeneous region). In this definition, the basic principle of the comparative-geographical method is realized: everything in the geographical envelope is one and the same to within some transformations (morphisms). Therein lies the basic idea, the usefulness and competitivity of geographical knowledge focusing on comparing the differing, and on the transformation of the known to the unknown. The mathematical technology, allowing to display connectivity of various territories is Jacobian determinant D (Cherkashin and Istomina, 2005) is used. For the analysis multichannel images Landsat TM (the resolution 30 m., august, 2000) are used. Jacobian is calculated for each pixels of the final image on brightness of two-three images imposed against each other. When D=0 there is an interrelation of the characteristics. The closenes sof connections can be assessed and the connectedness typified from the degree of deviation of D from 0. The functional homogeneity of space by the criterion D within a facies, assessed from a multichannel space-acquired image, reflects a one-type dependency between the components, which breaks down on the facie sboundaries in moving from facies to facies, as each facies must have its own intrinsic connection function. At the first stage the combination different spectral channels images is processed. It allows to allocate functionally homogeneous sites in pictures. Functional partitioning of territory creates preconditions for comparison various functionally homogeneous areas, i.e. substantiations of existence of interrelation areas, being at a great distance. By means of calculation of Jacobian it is shown, that there is an information communication between functionally homogeneous areas the Primoskiy ridge and a ridge Kuenlun Shan. Characteristics of these interrelations are defined. It is shown, that the narrowness of interrelations does not depend on distance, and is defined by functional uniformity and age of investigated landscapes. References: A.K. Cherkashin and E.A. Istomina, Mathematical models of a geographical complex and their use in analyzing space-acquired information, in Izvestiya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, seriya geograficheskaya, No. 2, Nauka, Moscow, 2005, pp. 103-113.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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