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International Conference "Geoinformatics: technologies, scientific projects"

Irkutsk, Russia, June 15-22, 2008


The algorithms of medium-scale geosystem mapping of Siberia’s regions

Konovalova T.I.

The V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS (Irkutsk)

The topical character of research is determined by the need to realize the most important directions of geographical research, such as: - “implementation of major cartographic projects for the country’s individual regions using space-acquired information and GIS technologies with the aim of regulating the nature management processes”, and - advancement of the theoretical framework of geoinformatics, and expansion of the area of application of geoinformation technologies for ecologo-geographical and other purposes [1].

Currently theoretical and applied research in large regions shows the greatest need for medium-scale maps (1:1000000 – 1:200000). Contemporaneous maps of geosystems must become the source of information on “what will be changing and what will be the rate of change”. To promptly obtain diverse derivative information and to transform it to various cartographic products requires a further development of GIS technologies, i.e. developing the methodology of substantive-conceptual visualization and processing of geographical information. This would make it possible to represent prognostic as well as retrospective changes in the landscape structure of regions which are possible to occur for the particular patterns of territory development.

To achieve the goal formulated, the map portrays the following characteristics identified in the process of analyzing the evolutionary transformation of geosystems: The mapping procedure is realized in the following sequence. It is proposed to generate the map using the deductive approach, combined with field investigations and remote sensing from space.

This report illustrates the order of the steps in the creation of maps, the algorithms for identifying and representing the geosystems, and the expedients of obtaining diverse information.


1. Izv. RGO, vol.138, issue 1, 2006.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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