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First Workshop on Information Technologies Application to Problems of Biodiversity and Dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia (WITA-2001)

July 9-14, 2001, Novosibirsk, Russia


Diversity of the Fauna

Data Base “ Seasonal Adaptation Of Macro Lepidoptera ”

Saulich A.X., Saulich M.I.

Biological Research Institute of St. Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg),
All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection (St.-Petersburg,

The broad study of seasonal adaptations of Lepidoptera began in 50 years of the 20th century. Domestic and foreign researchers have accumulated large volume of data in this faculty. An interface of data base (DB) by means Access2000 and programming on VB and VBA is developed with the purposes of facilitation of the comparative analysis realization.

For input of information about seasonal adaptations 6 pages form have been cre-ated, in which information of 56 fields of the DB table is incorporated on categories. It is possible to select the following ones: a systematic position of species and data on its distribution, character of a feed, forms of dormancy and parameters connected to them, features of a seasonal cycle. The main category characterizes photoperiodic adaptation: a type of photoperiodic response (PhPR), phenomena which controlled by it, geo-graphical, factorial and seasonal variability of PhPR, sensitive stages, required days number and many others.

A cartographical matter with the designated area of a concrete species distribution and localities, from which a sample for laboratory researches is taken, is made accessi-ble from the form on a reference. The direct development of maps was executed with use of Adobe Photoshop 6.0 and Idrisi 32.

On addition a module permitting to calculate sums of effective temperatures, nec-essary for complete of insects various stages have been developed. Such automation is useful in the time of experimental work conducting. On a call from the form it is given also an opportunity to address to bibliographic DB where the main literature on each concrete species is reflected.

Two families from Lepidoptera - Arctiidae and Noctuidae have been taken as model groups. Species have been included first of all in DB which are rather well in-vestigated in connection with their photoperiodic responses and other types of seasonal adaptations. In total to the present time 80 records on Noctuidae and 20 - on Arctiidae are accumulated. According to generalization of information on other of 23 families of macro Lepidoptera they also will be represented in DB.

At the given stage of functioning DB an information on seasonal adaptations of two model Lepidoptera families are accumulated in one table. For review, editing and analysis of data typical queries and forms of the reports are generated. However, the portion of the investigated species from total registered is insignificant. Addition of DB by species which have been not investigated with respect to photoperiodic adaptations, but for which the separate parameters, for example, temperature responses, condition of an inhabitation, the area and other are known, - will allow by analogy to predict avail-ability of various types of adaptations at the not investigated species, to optimize fur-ther researches.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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