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First Workshop on Information Technologies Application to Problems of Biodiversity and Dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia (WITA-2001)

July 9-14, 2001, Novosibirsk, Russia


Diversity of the Fauna

Principles of organization and development of zoological museum Internet sites

Mordkovich V.G., Dubatolov V.V., Legalov A.A.

Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology of Animals,
SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

Structure. Museum site should have a strict structure, i.e. consist of hierarchically arranged subsequent parts united with a single concept. In an effort to unificate museum information it is desirable a presence of obligatory structure parts (fields), along with elements allowing creative acttivities of the users. The suggested elements should contain: the museum "passport", the museum history, the staff list with short curricullum vitae of each member, the list of publications of the museum, information of collections, exposition, museum relations and the list of links.

Contens. Museum "passport" should include all the museum addresses, including e-mail, the area, status, and submission of the museum, amount of collections and the stuff number.

Museum history should reflect the date of the museum foundation, information about its foundators, an order, amounts and stages of collection material incoming, interesting stories occured in the museum history.

In the staff list the position, degree, and specialization of each member should be indicated. More particular personal dara are delivered freely in the curriculla vitae.

Information on collections may include several levels. The first one is only a general information about the collection subdivisions, like on the site of the British Museum of Natural History site. The next level is the taxa lists, from families to species. The third level is geographical information concerning the materials preserved in the museum. The fourth one is a listing of full labels of specimens. Separate information layer represents images of specimens from the collection. An important division is information about type specimens deposited in the museum. The site of the Siberian Zoological Museum of the Institute of Animal Systematiocs and Ecology (http://szmn.eco.nsc.ru) became the first in the world which contains the images of the most of its type specimens.

Site form. Information about collection may be presented as a taxa list or a database.

Publications may be divided into publications about the museum and scientific or popular publications with the museum banner. In the latter case it is better to give also an image of the title page and context.

Exposition. Information of exposition is given with its short description, with some images of most vivid expositions or with some schemes. On the Siberian Zoological Museum site some glass cases are presented as image-maps, with a possibility to see any of their part in a more close-up view.

Museum relations are better to depict as a scheme. A presence of links on the museum subject became a tradition.

General trends of the museum site development - increase of the amount of information, its specifizaton, increase of the share of information open freely.

The main contradictions of the sites existed is an unequal contribution of different museums and unequivalence of the information use allowed.

The website of the Siberian Zoological Museum of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology (http://szmn.eco.nsc.ru) includes now 80 Mb of information and meets all the above listed conditions, it includes all catalogues of collections and more than 1200 images. Presently it is supperted by RFBR, grant No 00-07-90318.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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