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First Workshop on Information Technologies Application to Problems of Biodiversity and Dynamics of Ecosystems in North Eurasia (WITA-2001)

July 9-14, 2001, Novosibirsk, Russia


Genetic Bases of Biodiversity

BioNET-INTERNATIONAL – overcoming the taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research

Smith R.


BioNET-INTERNATIONAL is the global network for capacity building in taxonomy for sustainable development. Taxonomy is the basis of all biology, and thus of all biodiversity research. Without taxonomy, no knowledge is available on living organisms - and if you don’t know what you have, you cannot determine what the research and management options are. Adequate local capacity is imperative for biodiversity research, inventories and conservation.

The global network is comprised of regional LOOPs (Locally Organised and Operated Partnerships) of developing country institutions, supported by a consortium of developed country institutions. Its purpose, through facilitating South-South cooperation and North-South partnerships for institutional strengthening and human resource development, is to enable developing countries to achieve self-reliance in taxonomy. Specifically, such taxonomic capcity building is focussed on supporting regional and national programmes for sustainable agricultural development and use of natural resources, and conservation of biodiversity, including full implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Currently seven LOOPs exist, with a further seven either planned or already under development.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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