Recent developments in applied mathematics and mechanics: theory, experiment and practice. Devoted to the 80th anniversary of academician N.N.Yanenko

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 24 - 29, 2001


Siberian participants

Optimal shape of 3-dimensional body with minimal radiation heating of surface

Arguchintseva M.A.

Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk)

Shuttle-like spacecrafts moving with hypersonic speeds are exposed to intensive radiative heat. One of the efficient method of minimization of surface heat fluxes is a choice of an optimal body shape. This paper presents statements and analytical solutions of new optimization problems of finding the longitudinal and transverse contours of the 3-dimensional body from viewpoint of the minimum of radiative heat transfer. The required body shapes must satisfy isoperimetric conditions on the given volume of body, on the perimeter of the base section and on the limit value of the body wave drag. Three classes of optimal 3-dimensional body surfaces were obtained by the paper's author.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


© 1996-2001, Institute of computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
© 1996-2001, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk