Recent developments in applied mathematics and mechanics: theory, experiment and practice. Devoted to the 80th anniversary of academician N.N.Yanenko

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 24 - 29, 2001


Novosibirsk participants

New numerical and experimental results on the problem of transition between regular and Mach reflection of shock waves

Ivanov M.S., Klemenkov G.P., Kudryavtsev A.N., Nikiforov S.B., Pavlov A.A., Fomin V.M., Kharitonov A.M., Khotyanovsky D.V.

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk)

The transition between regular and Mach reflection of shock waves is a classical problem of gas dynamics which can be traced back to the works of E.Mach and J. von Neumann. In the present paper, recently obtained numerical and experimental data on the alteration of shock wave reflection types in steady high-speed flows are presented. These data allow one to reconsider, in many aspects, the concepts formed before.
As a result of a large number of numerical and experimental investigations performed during last 5 years in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Novosibirsk), it has been established that the transition can be accompanied by a hysteresis, i.e. the angles of the direct and reverse transition can be different. The influence of free-stream disturbances and the 3D effects, which are unavoidable in experiments, have been studied. It has been shown numerically that so-called peripheral Mach reflection always takes place, even if the reflection in the center is regular. When the reflection is Mach one throughout the whole span, the Mach stem height can vary non-monotonously along the spanwise direction. The existence of an intermittent reflection is also possible. In this case, the reflection in the center is Mach one, closer to the periphery it is regular, and at the far periphery it is Mach one again. All these results have been confirmed experimentally when the 3D structure of shock waves has been visualized with the laser sheet method.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


© 1996-2001, Institute of computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
© 1996-2001, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk