VII International Conference "Electronic publicating El-Pub2002"

September 23-27, Novosibirsk,
(state registration number 0320300064)


Development of the integral corporate network for fundamental researches informative security in academic institutes of the Buryat Scientific Center of SB of RAS

Stepanova V.L., Semenov A.P., Ivanov V.G.

BSC of SB of RAS (Ulan-Ude)

The integral corporate network of the fundamental researches informative security in academic institutes of the BSC SD RAS was realized which includes 13 local nets from 157 computers, the entire number of the users are 417.

Modern intranet technology based on Web-server and Web-browser technology was used for net improvement. New equipment of IP-nets was set namely the second level technology-commutation Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet for local nets; hierarchy net structure;com- mutaing traffic between them provided increasing of net stability to failures and rejections, subnet protection from unsanctioned access; flow of the network TCP/IP protocols and its utilities organize data exchange between subnets with alternative OS; quality of QoS service.

Firewall and proxy -server wereused to protect the corporate network. The network ability of handle is 100 Mbit/s. The volume of net traffic is 25 - 30 Gbayt per month. The radiochannel provides stable connection on the rate of 11 Mbit/s on frequency of 2,4 GHz. OS FreeBSD was installed on the base server (BSC), OS UNIX, Windows NT,Windows 2000 were installed in LS servers of the Institutes, P P D and Presidium.

Two models `client-server` are realized in the net, two protection models are used in the net safety providing of the apparatus and information resources: protection through password and access license. The network maintains possibility of the resources division differently by users and supplements in dependence on collection of criterions set by the net administrator which are called politics.

Information servers were optimized for fast processing of the searches from net clients, they provide files and catalogues protection, created BD are on the servers. Web system of two processor serwer with RAM 512 Mb has been elaborated and realized, a separate DB server with technological parameters: RAM1Gb/HDD18Gb UltraSCSI x3/AMIRaid has been realized. The work loading the Web-server of the BSC SDRAS with the information files of BD of the Institutes, PPD,Museum, scientific library is being carried on; the access to it in the intranet network is possible through the following a ddresses: http://intra/ or; for outer users - The access for outer users is realized through proxy-redirect.

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