VII International Conference "Electronic publicating El-Pub2002"

September 23-27, Novosibirsk,
(state registration number 0320300064)


ProXForms-the model of interactive interaction with Web-resources

Dolgalev E.E.

The faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University Chair of Calculus Mathematics,

The Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University

The task of editing of Web-systems is traditional from the time of occurrence of a language of a hypertext sectoring and an information resources for its basis. The problem of multipage editing for the systems containing Web-resources with a complex structure of links now is extremely actual, however is difficult in the decision. In the reprot the approach to its decision by the language of the description of forms - ProXForms is considered. The program complex on the basis of the given language accompanies an interaction of the client and the server during a whole cycle of editing of the data: checks a correctness of the entered data and operates the navigation on pages. The language allows to describe the complex forms and editing any types of the data. In the report features ProXForms of the approach are discussed, its comparison with the project XForms 1.0 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is carried out, and also prospects of use ProXForms in a problem of integration of corporate information resources on an example of the Moscow State University are considered.

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