Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002


Numerical solution of differential and integral equations

Approximate solution of the Helmholtz equation

Moiko N.V., Boykov I.V.

Penza State university (Penza)

In this work the approximate methods for Helmholtz equation are investigated. $$ Delta u+k^2u=0,$$ where the wave-number $kneq 0$ and ${rm Im}: k=0.$ Helmholtz equation is considered with the Dirichlet boundary conditions $$uBig|_{Gamma}=f,$$ Neyman boundary conditions $$frac{partial u}{partial N}Bigg|_{Gamma}=g$$ and impedance boundary conditions $$left(frac{partial u}{partial N}+lambda uright)Bigg|_{Gamma}=varphi.$$ Here we suggest the numerical schemes for approximate solution of the equation $$intlimits_{Gamma}Phi(x,y)varphi(y) ds(y)=f(x),; xinGamma$$ and optimal on the accuracy order method for recovery of the function $$ u(x)=intlimits_{Gamma}Phi(x,y)varphi(y) ds(y), ;xin R^3setminusGamma.$$

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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