Информационная система "Конференции"

All Russian Congress “Nephrology and Dialysis Today”

September 17-19, 2003 in Novosibirsk


Infection-inflamatory renal diseases in diabetes (pathogenesis, diagnostic, treatment)

Sovalkin V., Gorlyakovsky Yu.

Omsk state medical academia (Omsk)

Based on results of inspection 2200 patients by Diabetes mellitus will be submitted the data on prevalence of a pyelonephritis, diabetic nephropathy and their combination, risk factors of their development.

The role in a pathogenesis of kidney diseases in Diabetes metabolic, immunological factors, urodinamic disorders, arterial hypertension, local infection. are discussed.

The clinical features of a pyelonephritis in Diabetes, including at a combination to a diabetic nephropathy are surveyed.

The methods of diagnostics and treatment of a pyelonephritis at the patients by sugar Diabetum are offered.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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