Конференции ИВТ СО РАН

«Вычислительные и информационные технологии
в науке, технике и образовании»

Алматы, Казахстан, 6 – 10 октября 2004 года

Тезисы докладов

Rigid plastic finite element analysis of deep drawing

Гемель А.М., Калтаев А.А.

Механический- математеческий факультет ,
университет казну им. аль-фараби (Алматы)

A program for axisymmetric deep drawing was made in FORTRAN 90 language using Finite Element method (FEM) based on variational formulation, plastic rigidity assumption and membrane theory. The results of the program was compared with the results of some previous similar existing FEM works and ,also, with the results of some previous experimental works and the comparison proved satisfactory agreement. The program is composed of geometrical part and finite element method part. The finite element part of the program is composed of the calculation of the process values at each node, globization, node merge, node compress and node renumbering and solution of the stiffness equation The material is based on rigid plastic assumption with the view that the usefulness of an analysis method depends largely on solution accuracy and computational efficiency. First, the variational formulation applicable to sheet metal forming is described by considering solution uniqueness and the effect of geometry change involved in the forming process. From this variational formulation, a finite element process model based on membrane theory is developed[1].

Примечание. Тезисы докладов публикуются в авторской редакции

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