Сибирское отделение РАН 
Институт цитологии и генетики

Первое международное рабочее совещание "Биоразнообразие и динамика экосистем Северной Евразии: информационные технологии и моделирование" (WITA-2001)

9-14 июля 2001 года, Новосибирск, Россия

Тезисы докладов

Генетические основы биоразнообразия

A Phylogenetic Test Allows To Infer Speciation Mechanisms.

Щербаков Д.Ю.

Limnological Institute (Irkutsk)

Molecular phylogeny provides one the sequence of evolutionary events within a group of organisms, but is not able to produce an explanation of the mechanisms driving speciation or morphological and ecological transformations involved. Here we describe the new approach which aims at addressing such questions by joint analysis of DNA sequences of homologous genes, and informaion on species modern distribution, morphological characters micro-distribution etc.

In order to present a two sets in compatible and comparable form, species distribution data were clasterized basing on probability of their co-cocurrance. Topology of the resulting tree had been compared to the topology of phylogenetic tree inferred from mitochondrial DNA data. As the measure of topological distance, Nearest Neighbor Interchange measure have been used, and to significance of similarity or dissimilarity between the trees had been estimated with Monte-Carlo simulation.

In case of species distribution data significant dissimilarity of the two trees suggest predominantly allopatric mechanism of speciation, and similarity of the trees supports predominantly allopatric mechanism.

Methods of data collection and processing which enable one to apply this approach are discussed along with software needed.

Примечание. Тезисы докладов публикуются в авторской редакции

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