Сибирское отделение РАН 
Институт цитологии и генетики

Первое международное рабочее совещание "Биоразнообразие и динамика экосистем Северной Евразии: информационные технологии и моделирование" (WITA-2001)

9-14 июля 2001 года, Новосибирск, Россия

Тезисы докладов

Базы данных и ГИС-технологии


Sommer H.C.

Bundesamt für Naturschutz (Federal agency for nature conservation) (Bonn)


The German Environmental Information Network (GEIN) brings together a wide range of information that are currently scattered across many different web sites. These sites are run by public administration at the federal and the Land (state) level. GEIN acts as an information broker for environment related information in Germany, or - as GEIN claims for itself: as "the portal to information on the german environment."

The innovative feature of GEIN is to make accessible dynamic Web offers that are hidden for conventional search engines.

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is one of 60 suppliers of information for GEIN. With FloraWeb, WISIA-online and VIA-online it offers database interfaces concerning data on animals, plants and biotopes.

WISIA-online (Wissenschaftliches Informationssystem für den internationalen Artenschutz / Information System on International Species Conservation) holds information on the legal status of both animal and plant species under national or international protection. The database covers species which are assigned legal protection under the German Federal Nature Conservation Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz). Queries in WISIA-online will lead to the following output: plant or animal kingdom, scientific name; German common name; status of being specially / strictly protected; listing in EU-Directives and their annexes.

VIA-online (Vollzug im Artenschutz / Enforcement of Species Protection) provides information on the number of im- or exported specimens under CITES-regulations (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), from 1996 onwards. A query results in the numbers or quantities of traded specimen, the relevant appendices of CITES and / or of the EC-Regulation, country of origin, country of export, country of destination, purpose of the transaction and source of the specimen.

By the VIA-online service Germany fulfils its obligation to inform the public on data concerning the enforcement of CITES in Germany.

FloraWeb is an information system which holds extensive information on vascular plant species and plant communities in Germany. The very wide range of data comprises information about habitat and area, distribution, threat assessment, protection, ecology, morphology and taxonomy of vascular plants. Moreover distribution maps as well as pictures are provided for each of the species.

FloraWeb also offers interactive maps that contain details on the potential natural vegetation of Germany.

Примечание. Тезисы докладов публикуются в авторской редакции

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