Современные проблемы прикладной математики и механики: теория, эксперимент и практика

Международная конференция, посвященная 80-летию академика Н.Н.Яненко.
Новосибирск, Академгородок, 24 - 29 июня 2001 года.

Тезисы докладов

Доклады новосибирских участников

Моделирование потоков СО2 и СН4 в совместной модели климата и модели биосферы поверхности земли

Крупчатников В.Н., Крылова А.И.

Вычислительный центр СО РАН (Новосибирск)

There are many reasons to incorporate biochemical processes into general circulation model (GCM). One of them is the need to assess the fluxes of greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 etc. between terrestrial biosphere and atmosphere and simulate future climates for which no exist observation data. A lot of land surface models have been developed for using within GCM to provide exchanges of energy, moisture, momentum and biochemical fluxes between surface and atmosphere. The need to realistically simulate these exchanges, espe-cially over long timescale, is the most obvious reason for including a comprehensive sur-face model into GCM. The recent changes in the global atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentration are observed by the CMDL/NOAA [1]. It can be seen the global atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentration has increased until now. To understand the variations of the global CO2 and CH4 concen-tration we must establish what are sources and sinks of these gases and what is their sources power. The land surface model considered in this report is an extension of this earlier model devel-opment [2]. The model is able to predict terrestrial photosynthesis and respiration of CO2 from land surface vegetation and methane emissions from natural wetlands. With the re-quirement that the model is implemented globally, many surface type needed to be in-cluded. Proposed version of the land surface model combines a rather complete accounting for physical factors to assess the interaction of the atmosphere with the surface and avail-ability for including in the general circulation model [3].
This work was supported by the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research 00-05-65459.

  1. Trends’93: A Compendium of Data on Global Change/Ed.: M.A.Boden
  2. Krupchatnikoff V., (1998): Simulation of CO2 exchange processes in the atmosphere surface biomes sys-tem by climatic model ECSib. //. Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis & Mathematical Modelling (Hol-land-Japan, VNU Science Press, BV), 13(6): 479-492
  3. Alexeev V., E. Volodin, V. Galin, V. Dymnikov and V. Lykosov (1998): Modelling of the climate using gen-eral circulation model of the INM/RAS. Description of the AMIP-II experiments.- Moscow, 1998, -121p.

    Примечание. Тезисы докладов публикуются в авторской редакции

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