Информационная система "Конференции"




9-00 -- 11-30 

  1. Redkina N. Assessment of the effectiveness of information technology in libraries

  2. Stepanova L.O. Development of the library on the base of ILS Virtua

  3. Kochukova E. . (abstract in russian)

  4. Kovyazina E. V. Prospects for the development of library automation in ICM SB RAS (full text)

  5. Bazhenov S.R., Greshnov E. B., Pavlov A. I. . (abstract in russian)

  6. Fedorova E.N. The experience of using electronic resources and technologies in Central Scientific Library of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (abstract in russian)

  7. Peregoedova N.V., Balutkina N.A. Some aspects of improvement of databases preparation technology, oriented for edition of various types of bibliographic aids (experience of SPSTL SB RAS) (abstract in russian)

  8. Shevchenko L.B. New Trends of Scientific-informative Activities in the Library

  9. Bazhenov S.R., Lavrik O.L., Pavlov A.I., Redkina N.S. . (abstract in russian)

  10. Gribkova E. Scientific communications in network the Internet as the environment of a documentary-information stream of system of additional vocational training of Far East region

11-50 -- 13-00 

  1. Popov K. N. . (full text)

  2. Zheravina O.A. University Library Consortiums of Spain: interaction experience in conditions of digital information space

  3. Rogoznikova O. Information resources of the Krasnoyarsk Research Centre of SB RAS: experience of corporate work.

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