Информационная система "Конференции"

International Conference on Numerical Methematics ICCM-2002

Approximation of functions and quadrature formulas

|24.06.2002| |25.06.2002|


14-30 -- 16-30 (1) Approximation - 1
Head: Vaskevich V.L.

  1. Ramazanov M.D. The lattice cubature formulas with logarithmic boundary layer

  2. Popov A.S. The search for the best cubature formulae invariant under octahedral group of rotations for a sphere (full text)

  3. Osipov N.N. An estimate of some $n$-dimensional lattice sums

  4. Noskov M.V., Fedotova I.M. Invariant cubature formulae for the torus of an even degree

  5. Zakharova J.F. Approximate methods of calculation of the multidimensional singular integrals with the fixed singularity on infinite domain (full text)

  6. IRICANIN B.D. On the modification of adaptive composite numerical integration

16-45 -- 18-45 (2) Approximation - 2
Head: Ramazanov M.D.

  1. Polovinkin V.I. Convergence of complicated cubature formulas on concrete functions

  2. Baykalov I.A., Petrov A.V. About series of lattice rules of arbitrary trigonometric degree

  3. Sidorova T.V. The investigation of the asymptotical optimale of Sobolev's sequences of quadrature formulae

  4. Shatokhina L.V. On optimal lattice quadrature formulas for space $L_1^{(2)}(a,b)$

  5. Sheetlin S.L. Stability of cubature formulas with boundary layer


14-30 -- 16-30 (3) Approximation - 3
Head: Miroshnichenko V.L.

  1. Vaskevich V.L. Optimal cubature formulas in a reflexive Banach space (full text)

  2. Volkov Y.S. The shape preserving conditions for interpolating polynomial splines (full text)

  3. Dolnikov V.L. Exact constants for cubic spline inequalities

  4. Strelkov N.A. Wavelets generated by B-splines


  6. Berezowsky M.V. Interval constrained approximations of functions by smoothing cubic splines (full text)

16-45 -- 18-45 (4) Approximation - 4
Head: Volkov Yu.S.

  1. Miroshnichenko V.L. Cubic lambda-splines (full text)

  2. Rozhenko A.I. On spline-fitting with inaccurate data (full text)

  3. Vaganova N.A. The image postprocessing by local average integrals for fractal image compression

  4. Golubeva L.A., Sander I.A., Kotenyov P.A. The system of automatic Delaunay triangulation construction for the domain with the piecewise smooth boundary. (abstract in russian)

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