International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

NOVOSIBIRSK, RUSSIA June 12 -16, 2006 Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book


Occupational health


Mihajlova N.N., Fomenko D.V., Panyov N.I., Zoloeva P.V.

Research Institute of Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases (Novokuznetsk)

Dust illnesses of lungs (antracosis, antracosilicosis) are the most in number among miners. The experiment will reveal the initial stage of the disease development, that would allow for its timely preventive administration.

The purpose of the research was to study the dynamics of antracosilicosis development on the basis of changes of biochemical and immunological parameters of blood under the effect of coal dust inhalation. The experiment was conducted on white laboratory rats at the weight of 180-200ã. The rats were divided into 3 groups: 1-intact, n = 10; 2 - the rats inhaling coal dust (coal mark ÃÆ) daily within 3 weeks (average dust concentration - 22 mg / m3), n = 20; 3 - the rats inhaling coal dust of 6 weeks (average dust concentration - 42 mg / m3), n = 20. The rats stayed in the chamber 4 hours per day. Biochemical and immunological parameters of blood were investigated after decapitation. Haptoglobulin, ceruloplasmin, serous immunoglobulines A, G, M were tested with the appropriate sets of immunobidimetry. Cholesterol, low density lipoproteins, and triglicerid were tested by enzimatic colorimetry method on a photometer 5010 (Germany). Glucose was tested by glucooxidase method on photometer ÐÌ 750 (Germany). The statistical analysis of the data was done by the computer program " Statistics 6 ".

The three-week priming with coal dust is stressful, but not pathogenetic. Authentic decrease of concentration of glucose in 1,4 times, cholesterol in one and a half times, alpha – cholesterol in 1.5 times, and almost triple decrease of low density lipoproteins in plasma of blood in experimental animals testify to an intensification of the metabolic processes which are coming out in an increase of glycolysis with the maximal use of carbohydrate and lipid fuel molecules. The increase of time and concentration of dust priming causes hypoxical infringements, and also the elements of immune deficiency, observed in the reduction of a level of serous immunoglobulin A, low density lipoproteins at initial stages and double increase of leukocytes in blood at later periods. The indirect demonstration of the beginning of development of a pathological process in rats with a six-week priming is the increase of haptoglobulin in blood that is similar to our results of clinical examination of patients with antracosilicosis, who had the higher level of haptoglobulin, C-active protein, and circulating immune complexes in blood, that is, probably, connected with inflammatory processes. Lack of changes in the level of immunoglobulin G testifies that at this stage of development of pathological process it has not become chronic yet, which is proved by the state of cytochemical condition of lungs tissue of the experimental rats.

Thus, the results of the experiment show that three-week priming with coal dust (22mg/m3) causes a stress - reaction accompanying with activation of metabolic processes. The double increase of time and concentration of priming causes the condition of preillness described by the presence of hypoxical components, elements of immune deficiency and the beginning of inflammatory process. At this stage preventive measures should be taken to stop the transition of the state of preillness into illness and its development to chronic antracosilicosis.

Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition

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