Информационная система "Конференции"

The second scientific conference with the international participation " HORMONAL REGULATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS IN NORMALITY AND PATHOLOGY ", devoted to the 80-th anniversary of Professor Michail G. Kolpakov

Russia, Novosibirsk, October 15 - 17, 2002




14-00 -- 15-00 

  1. Amikishieva A.V., Ovsyukova M.V. Hormonal and motivative components of sexual function in male mice within repeated alternative experience of social victories or defeats (abstract in russian)

  2. Vladimirova E.G. - (abstract in russian)

  3. Gerlinskaya L.A. - (abstract in russian)

  4. Potapov M.A., Potapova O.F., Rogov V.G., Evsikov V.I. Whether an effect of unfavorable conditions is compensated by a secondary sex ratio shift? (abstract in russian)

  5. Morozova EA, Popova NK, Maslova LN, Bulygina VV MAO A knockout and reaction of HHP system to different kinds of stress. (abstract in russian)

  6. Plyusnina I., Oskina I. al and hormonal parameters of forced swimming test in gray rats selected for behavior (abstract in russian)

  7. Gruntenko N.E. The hormonal control of Drosophila virilis vitellogenesis (abstract in russian)

  8. Chentsova N. Juvenile hormone deficite effect on the stress reaction development in Drosophila melanogaster females (abstract in russian)

  9. Shikhevich S.G., Oskina I.N., Gulevich R.G. HPA reaction to emotional and immune stress in Rattus Norvegicus of different behavior (abstract in russian)

  10. Danilenko E.D. The influence of interferon induction in pregnant rats on the hormonal status of their mature offsprings (abstract in russian)

  11. Ordyan N., Pivina S.G., Kalinina I.K. - (abstract in russian)

  12. Skuridina E.G., Bgatova N.P., Baginskaya N.V. Effect of maternal protein deficiency on offspring's liver structure (abstract in russian)

  13. Sakharov D.G., Dygalo N.N. - (abstract in russian)

  14. Raskosha O.V. - (abstract in russian)

  15. Ivanova L. - (abstract in russian)

  16. Sharapov V. - (abstract in russian)

  17. Gerasev A. - (abstract in russian)

  18. Panina M.I., Sergeev O.S. - (abstract in russian)

  19. Zhukova E. - (abstract in russian)

  20. Minvaleev R.S., Kirjanova V.V., Ivanov A.I. Influence of bhujangasana on serum steroid hormone levels in healthy humans

  21. Poteryaeva O. - (abstract in russian)

  22. Prasolova L., Oskina I. - (abstract in russian)

  23. Akilbekov K. - (abstract in russian)

  24. Krishtop V.V., Polyanskaya L.I. The theory of operation of cluster analisis for leaming the function of a thyroid gland at a statical load. (abstract in russian)

  25. Romanov V.A., Solovijev V. Yu. Usage of cluster analysis for leaming responce of mast cells of a thyroid gland at single introduction of Retabolilum. (abstract in russian)

  26. Loginov P. - (abstract in russian)

  27. Pogorelov Y. - (abstract in russian)

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